Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My opinion on competition...

Competition is bad people, plain and simple.

Let me give you a little happenstance that caused me much anguish. Once I was selling lemonade on a street corner. A great business TBH. You go to the grocery store and purchase some kool-aid packets and some sugar. Big whoop right? And for the water, you simply take a visit to the nearest public toilet. How much $$$ can be gained from? Well, once you factor in the practically nonexistent sunk costs from materials and the returns from price jacking, it's actually quite a substantial amount. But anyways, I digress...

Once upon a time I was selling some tasty lemonade. All went well until I started to get competition. This little girl from across the street opened up a joint and sold the goods for 10% less than me, pft... stupid bitch. As you can imagine, this new found competition did not put a smile on my fucking face, so I cut lemonade prices by over 20%. Business was looking up again! What happened next? She cut prices by over 40%!!! Can you believe that? 20 cents per fucking cup! God dammit, I have a family to feed!!!

What happened next? I hired a guy named Bobo McBobo to break her legs. Next day, no more competition :) But it still scared the shit out of me!!!

In short, competition is bad... I guess...

Here ends the readings from *Patapon, Legends of a Street Lord*