Sunday, October 18, 2009

Attempt to be funny

Come one, come all to the first (and probably last)

To Form a More Perfect Union

Topic: The word "Meh"

During my short stay on this website, I've noticed an interesting phenomena. This happenstance involves the word "meh" and results in anger and frustration from both sides of an argument. I think giving an example would best express what I am talking about...

So I have created one directly under this sentence!


patapon: I really love the games Haze and Lair! They are pretty and cute and pretty!!! OMG, SEQUEL PLIZ!

Shart stains: Both those games were meh. And that is that!!1

patapon: But I like those games and they are good! Why are you trying to contradict me?

Shart stains: Because you and wrong and fat and wrong! Patapon 1 and 2 were also meh and you should die!

(12 page battle of opinions commences and thread becomes derailed)

This may be an extreme example, but we have all seen something like it before. One person says that they like a particular game and then a 'defender of truth and justice' takes it upon themself to contradict that persons opinion and spout theirs as fact. I believe an expression is used to describe this event "raining on someones parade".

Now, in every language there are 'buzz words' that bring about an emotion be it positive or negative. I would consider "meh" to be a negative buzz word and I recommend people refrain from using it. My logic being that it immediatly brings negativity into a conversation.

Let's take another look at the above example without the word "meh"


patapon: I really love the games Haze and Lair! They are pretty and cute and pretty!!! OMG, SEQUEL PLIZ!

Shart stains: I don't like those games, but whatever...

patapon: That's cool dude. I appreciate your input nonetheless!

Shart stains: O RLY? That's AWESOME! I think you're a cool guy :)

patapon: :D I'm going to give you lots and lots of gold now for being nice!

Shart stains: YEAY!

Didn't that turn out better people? Yes it did, yes it did...

This was patapon with TFAMPU, now GTFO and play some Uncharted 2!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

VGchartz friend request #5

Where I come from, as boys grow from insignificant rats to strongly pandas, particular tasks are set upon them. Trials that require the sharpest of thinking, the most agile of feet and the shiniest balls. This is the way of the warrior you see. And I must be a warrior!

The pain and suffering that I have endured to accomplish my goals thus far are extraordinary.

I have smoked jenkem, consumed Rosie O'donnell, killed my pet kangaroo with a rusty spoon, attended a "women issues" meeting without commiting suicide, and given head to George W. Bush. I have fufilled almost all what I had set out to acomplish. Only one goal remains unfufilled... To make a friend...

You have been selected to be my friend and help me fufill my trials! CONGRATULATIONS! Laughing

So what say you? My balls are now hairless. You need only supply the friendship Smile

VGchartz friend request #4

How far would you go for friendship? Would a kindly handshake suffice? How about a hundered dollars? Some dismembered body parts suit your fancy? I don't know about you, but I'd do anything to make a friend.

I'd scale the the tallest mountains and swim the longest river. I'd fight an army of zombies and then (shivers) watch an episode of Rosie O'donnell's talk show.

I'd even threaten someone. Which is what I'm going to do now. You see, below this paragraph, I have a picture of a door. I assure you 'friend', you do not want to see what's on the other side.

Don't make me open the door. Be my friend.

VGchartz friend request #3

Have you ever felt the cold touch of loneliness? The dastardly grip of being un-accomplished? How about the devastating realization that you'll never amount to anything? Well, I haven't because I'm F**KING AWESOME!!! And I think you're awesome too Laughing

So I've taken this opportunity to extend a hand of friendship to you. Will you be my friend?

BTW- If by chance you reject my generous offer of fellowship, I will not hesitate to cause you much pain and anguish. I believe this picture that I have found while cruising the internet sums up my sediments.

Don't make this any harder on youself. Just be my friend.

Vgchartz friend request #2

Hey dude, this is patapon from the chartz. During my stay on this site, I've taken immense joy out of reading the fourms. It seems like there's a lot of people who have a ton of insight. You happen to be one of my favorite posters. Smile With that said, I'd like to extend a hand of friendship out to you. Will you be my friend?

BTW, it's customery for me to give a picture of myself to someone who I deem worthy of fellowship.

Say, would you like to go on a date? Boys night out, yes?

VGchartz friend request #1

Hello, this is patapon saying sup' from the chartz. During my time on this website, I've taken joy out of reading insight that other people have offered. You happen to be one of them. So with that said, would you be my friend? Embarassed

If yes, I'm sure that we'll have a great time! Because dude, you and me, we got a connection. Hell, why don't we just start a family and have kids?

Okay, on second thought, lets just be friends...

Please? Sealed


4 Reasons why xbox fans are the best

You may be asking why I picked only 4 reasons instead of the cliche 5. Well, aside from lazyness, I wanted to stand out... So lets get down to business.


During my short stay on vgchartz, I've noticed that xbox fans are in the vast minority. This has confused me greatly. "Why in the world does the highest selling HD console have the least amount of supporters?" I have thought long and hard about this mystery and to no avail, I remain clueless. But perhaps the answer can be found in something I call The Darkhorse Syndrom. Or in other words 'Last place = best'. If you want proof of this just look at those guys from the movie 'Miracle'. Or that Spartucus guy from that one gladiator movie. Or the PS3. Last=best. Come on people, it's time to offically recognize something, xbox fans ARE the best. I may be the Sony leader but I take no shame in admitting this fact. And by being the best, they are in last place.


3. They could kill you in real life-

I ask you but one simple question. What genre of games rule the xbox 360? If you said shooters then congratulations, you are correct! Not only are there more shooters than anything else on the xbox but they sell the best. Just look at the sales of Halo 3. As we all know, FPS's = training for warfare. They teach people how to shoot, aim and wait under cover as their bubble shield recharges.

"Do you want to fight one of these Halo playing, fighting machines?"

Not I sir, not I.

2. They don't have this guy

One thing that suprises me greatly is that the xbox 360 has no high profile fanboy. Yes, of course there are trolls here and there but the xbox community is as a whole, clean. Most of the time, one can have a logical conversation about Sony or Nintendo with an xbox fan pimped out with Gears of War and Halo 3 in his sig and avatar. Perpaps I'm wrong, but this is how I see it: For xbox, there's nobody. For Wii, it's Malstrom. For ps3 it's... it's... IT'S THIS GUY!!!

Be glad xbox people. You do not understand the pain of having this guy on your side. Perhaps I can enlist a Halo player to kill him... Hmmm...


Alright, Microsoft is an American company. And predictably, most xbox fans are Americans. If you find youself disagreeing with me, simply look at this chart:

Yep, xbox is America's console all right. Even President Obama recognized this during one of his speeches.


Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This saying + patapon posting it in blog = Intelligent

I found this saying some time ago and wanted to post it here so I can always come back to it. Okay?

"If you're a true gamer, you buy the system for the game. If you're a fanboy you buy the console and hope all the games come to you."

This was a comment tied to the above comment-

"<---That goes out to every Nintendo fan begging for every big 3rd party franchise to end up on the Wii, when it's not going to happen. And to every 360 fan who says that if every PS3 exclusive goes multiplatform, it makes sense"

Viewing it in that regard kind of diminishes internet fanboyism... WHAT WILL YOUTUBE COMMENTERS DO?!?

Monday, August 17, 2009

My name is patapon, and I have come for the girl

So this is the beginning... of the end? Or could it be the end of the beginning? Hmmm...

Regardless of my inane questions, I would like to celebrate this momentous event by finding a random animal in my house, and killing it. Some may think I'm a psychopath for doing this and they are most certainly right.

All joking aside, I probably won't ever write in this blog and in addition nobody will probably ever see it. So what's the point of continuing you might/might not ask? Because I'm bored, that's why!

So sit down, relax and don't enjoy what you'll never see. See, you're doing it already and you didn't even know it! Congratulations :D