Sunday, October 18, 2009

Attempt to be funny

Come one, come all to the first (and probably last)

To Form a More Perfect Union

Topic: The word "Meh"

During my short stay on this website, I've noticed an interesting phenomena. This happenstance involves the word "meh" and results in anger and frustration from both sides of an argument. I think giving an example would best express what I am talking about...

So I have created one directly under this sentence!


patapon: I really love the games Haze and Lair! They are pretty and cute and pretty!!! OMG, SEQUEL PLIZ!

Shart stains: Both those games were meh. And that is that!!1

patapon: But I like those games and they are good! Why are you trying to contradict me?

Shart stains: Because you and wrong and fat and wrong! Patapon 1 and 2 were also meh and you should die!

(12 page battle of opinions commences and thread becomes derailed)

This may be an extreme example, but we have all seen something like it before. One person says that they like a particular game and then a 'defender of truth and justice' takes it upon themself to contradict that persons opinion and spout theirs as fact. I believe an expression is used to describe this event "raining on someones parade".

Now, in every language there are 'buzz words' that bring about an emotion be it positive or negative. I would consider "meh" to be a negative buzz word and I recommend people refrain from using it. My logic being that it immediatly brings negativity into a conversation.

Let's take another look at the above example without the word "meh"


patapon: I really love the games Haze and Lair! They are pretty and cute and pretty!!! OMG, SEQUEL PLIZ!

Shart stains: I don't like those games, but whatever...

patapon: That's cool dude. I appreciate your input nonetheless!

Shart stains: O RLY? That's AWESOME! I think you're a cool guy :)

patapon: :D I'm going to give you lots and lots of gold now for being nice!

Shart stains: YEAY!

Didn't that turn out better people? Yes it did, yes it did...

This was patapon with TFAMPU, now GTFO and play some Uncharted 2!!!

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